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CSS Selectors

The MarkupEver supports all the syntax that soupsieve does, except for some pseudo-elements (I prefer not to document all these syntaxes again).

Some Examples

To start, imagine this document:

import markupever

tree = markupever.parse(
        <title>Example Document</title>
        <p class="par-one">CSS Selector Example</p>
        <p class="par-two">I wish you a good day</p>
        <p class="end-par">I wish you a good day</p>

Let's see some examples:

print(tree.select_one("head > title").text())
# Example Document

for element in"[class^=par-]"):
# Element(name=QualName(local="p", ns="", prefix=None), attrs=[(QualName(local="class"), "par-one")], template=false, integration_point=false)
# Element(name=QualName(local="p", ns="", prefix=None), attrs=[(QualName(local="class"), "par-two")], template=false, integration_point=false)

print(tree.select_one("p", offset=3))
# Element(name=QualName(local="p", ns="", prefix=None), attrs=[(QualName(local="class"), "end-par")], template=false, integration_point=false)

for element in"[class*=par]", offset=3, limit=1):
# Element(name=QualName(local="p", ns="", prefix=None), attrs=[(QualName(local="class"), "end-par")], template=false, integration_point=false)